"Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together. " E Ionesco


“I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me. I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.” _ Meryl Streep quoted it as words she lives by!

Update: originally written by José Micard Teixeira.

Comments on: "I no longer have patience" (442)


  2. John Wilson said:

    Very well said and I must say I took that decision years ago!

  3. Britt mims said:

    U are a bad bitch I’ve always loved you!I I would love to meet u in person but I feel your presents.

  4. Thank you for posting this!!! I just (I mean two days ago) arrived at this very same set of life decisions. And it is about time, let me tell you. So grateful for the beautiful photo and succinct statement of and by Streep. Have been sharing and it’s being shared on. XO.

  5. Reblogged this on Onuray Alkış and commented:
    At some breaking points in life, you do literally reach that conscious. I know I am not that old enough to have that wisdom, but even at the age of 25 I can somehow have it. What else can I say, I agree whatever spilled from her mouth and I deeply feel them all.

  6. That’s for very rich people to comment like these , for the rest of us , we are still taking shits from everywhere in our daily lives …..,

    • Dan-the-Man said:

      Agreed! Where was she 40 years ago saying this… Now that she has enough where she really doesn’t need to blow anyone in hollywood, she comes out and says this! Nice Meryl…

  7. Reblogged this on Sasha in the City and commented:

  8. Smiling, I love this!
    I still have patience for the mind limited individuals you speak of. My patience will remain mostly because I know they can not contaminate me!

  9. Joyce Jordan said:

    DITTO! Beautifully stated.

  10. I wonder why you have to waste time to care such a nonsense people who don’t have a right way of behaviour as what you are waiting. Why don’t you take all stuff things in a easy way by ignoring everything but you, yourself. When you meet people, why don’t you treat them as what they should be received from you or in another words, they are worth to get what they are.

    My dear! Be happy and forget everything and you will see that nothing is as important as your life because it, your life is so short like a famous song had sung “If life is so short …” Everything will be forgot when we died and life is so short … Why don’t we enjoy our life happily from now on?

    Best wishes for you!

  11. Reblogged this on dyke writer.

  12. beautifully said.

  13. Reblogged this on Ulla Keienburg s Blog and commented:
    Eine Freundin schreib: So will ich auch werden. Ich für mich stelle fest: Älter werden hilft ungemein!!!! 🙂

  14. Emma Ferguson 2010 said:

  15. thanx for that quote!

  16. Martha Tarazona said:

    I tottaly agree with it
    I am at point in my life that I do the right thing and I only care for the ones care for me
    I got no time to waste trying to please the ones that never would like me or accept my success
    Good job on expressing the feelings of a mature and successful soul

  17. Annabelle Trent said:

    Well said, Miss Streep. For one who has given us so much with through your incredible body of work, you deserve the respect you have earned., through your hard work and dedication. Whenever you have appeared in public and have spoken it has been from the heart and with humour. May you continue to provide those watching your films as respite from what is at times, a difficult world to live in. Annabelle Trent

  18. wisely said!

  19. Brilliant and courageous, in my opinion. I am a student in awe of her as a teacher. Thank you for sharing this.

  20. Dear Meryl. Great lady. Thank you for being you. X

  21. I on the other hand have gained patience in my 60’s and welcome all kinds of people into my life. I listen politely to what they have to say and know in confidence that I don’t have to correct them if I disagree. There is always something about every disagreeable person that can be a source of joy. It is my challenge to find it and make them smile. If I am the source of joy in someone else’s day then it was a day well spent. Love is all love is everything.

  22. OMG she is so me!

  23. Where is this quote from? What is the context? A speech, an interview? I could not find it.

    • sporti883 said:

      That’s because it wasn’t written or said by Meryl Streep but by Portugese life coach Jose Micard Teixeira.

  24. Antonia said:

    What if the one who lies or wants to manipulate is your (minor) child? You have no time for them? I guess you are past that stage of life, but sometimes, one must put up and invest for not only one’s own sake, but theirs, as well, so they can change and be a blessing to the world and to themselves. I’m 50 and I’m also so done with all the things you are so done with…But I must not emotionally abandon my child just because she is full of manipulation, lies, and abuse of her parents. I must weather this stage and try to make whatever impact I may upon her, for her own good.

    But I feel like running away many times!

  25. dwaycrafts said:

    Reblogged this on D'way Crafts and commented:
    I couldn’t have said this better. I don’t waste time, spend time, or/and give time to people, places, or things I don’t like or don’t like me. During my battle with cancer I found I couldn’t do or be with people who I once tried hard to make like me every time I was slapped with the knowledge they could care less about me or my condition for whatever reason. Also, I saw that many complain yet offer solutions. Complaining solves nothing. However it does show the lack of intelligence, empathy, and powerlessness of the complainer. I revel in the solace and quiet of crocheting. If there is a missing stitch I can decide to live with it and make it work or start again.

  26. i guess her B M ‘s don’t stink

  27. davidmiraloma said:

    I love Meryl Streep, but these comments seem pretty inflexible in their own right.

  28. Reblogged this on bombayjewess and commented:

  29. Rebecca Warner said:

    Patience is a virtue. Intolerance is what the Nazi’s were good at. This sends the wrong message.

  30. Mary Reynard said:

    I hear you Meryl.

  31. Spiros Mourelatos said:

    Meryl, we have known you through the movie screen…and your words speak as to who you are….BEAUTY superficial and profound at most!

  32. Caroline Hodge said:

    YES! What she said!!!

  33. Gail Brinston said:

    Good for you! Seems that there is never enough time in our days .So we live our best life when we know our priorities and focus on those that are worthy of our energy and time.
    On another note ….. Really admire your talents in the entertainment role!

  34. Extraordinarily timely! Thank you! Blessings to you and yours! Namaste!

  35. Wise words, indeed.

  36. “That’s all.” — Miranda Priestly, The Devil Wears Prada

  37. Reblogged this on skinsavant.

  38. Vicki Hedlund said:

    Do I ever love this…….it is so being 70. : )

  39. A great woman. I know how she feels!

  40. yasemin said:

    So stay alone and don’t be in touch with people like that! Just go away! 🙂 you have got enough awards . haven’t you? Nothing and nobody is perfect. Go to Africa and live a little time than see what is the real problem… Dear … Everything looks like a film from faraway..

  41. dabaudoin said:

    Reblogged this on Ten Thousand Soapboxes and commented:
    Love Meryl Streep.

  42. paschalrhonda said:

    I have reached this point at the young age of 37 yrs old bcuz I have been through alot and already seen alot in my lifetime. I have been hurt deeply, heartbroken, abused and neglected by those I gave my whole heart to so I have lost lots of my patience with certain types of ppl and lost alot of trust as well and Im still working on the part of loving ppl in spite of it all bcuz I dont want to grow to be a bitter old woman one day. Lol.

  43. Can you PLEASE tell us what your source is? I’m unable to trace the origin of this quote. For all we know, this could have been written by someone claiming to be Meryl.


    • sporti883 said:

      This quote is from Portugese life coach Jose Micard Teixeira, not Meryl Streep

    • This quote is from Portugese life coach Jose Micard Teixeira

  44. Right on!

  45. Daniela said:

    Ms. Streep. You are now and forever will be a woman of walking class. I admire your words and convictions.

    Daniela R.

  46. Lookingforintelligentlife said:

    I just want it simple: Be nice, be kind and stop all the judgment. Dear Meryl sounds like a lot of work.

  47. Oh my! so well said. This is me to a t! I am tired of trying to get approvel and just bath in not only my beauty from my heart, but my Children and Husband and letting go of ALL the negative people that were in my life, just letting go! Just letting go!

  48. Well then, Miss Streep, I am guessing that You are going to be very bored when ISIS comes to Your home, they have pretty much stated their stance on every item You have listed above. You do know that, they are on the way don’t You ? Do You really think the president You voted for is going to protect You ? Good luck with that. Have a nice day. Clifton A. Bode

  49. Reblogged this on KeyWestSusan's Blog and commented:
    Maybe patience isn’t as useful as I thought it was.

  50. Bethany said:

    Good to know, Meryl!

  51. Sharon Wells said:

    Wonderfully written.

  52. Beautifully, said! AMEN! I totally agree!

  53. Amen I live this path in life everyday & try to show peoe we all only live once relax, enjoy life & if not move out of my way 😃

  54. I adore Meryl, What she says is good to me. #1 bucket list item is spending a day with Meryl, seeing her work and reading a scene with her. If you see this Meryl, please make my wish come true.

  55. Reblogged this on ABeautyAndABeast and commented:
    Absolutely love this and am doing my best to live by this every day.
    Happy Monday folks. She said it perfectly.
    Aimée 🙂

  56. sandi said:

    Well said. 🙂

  57. Love her because she tells it lil sit is!!

  58. My God, she’s become a conservative!

  59. George Powell said:

    I only wish that she had said something about compassion and empathy because I believe she values those as well.

  60. I love this and shared it to my FB page…please check out my blog. xxx Michele

  61. Beautifully said! And I couldn’t agree more, with each and every word. Bravo!

  62. J.L. Hale said:

    What an interesting outlook for a person so in front of the world and so involved with many, many different personalities in her work. Yet, she seems to manage to have the love and respect of her fellow actors and the public. I think it may be her honesty that comes through in and beyond all her talent.

  63. That about sums it up!

  64. Guarantee that when I say the exact same thing, the same exact words as Meryl Streep I get “It’s always all about you, Barbara”, OR I will get “You are no Meryl Streep”! lol

  65. kathy said:

    beautifully put!

  66. Vassar women don’t mince words, bless us all.

  67. sharonsellz@comcast.net said:

    Thank you for your words. I always follow you as an actress, I am a big fan of yours. P.S. I am a proud supporter of “Shriner Hospital for Children”. Look me up!

  68. Tristan Abais said:

    I just realized that your decision to do so is what I really want to do. Thanks for blogging this thought.

  69. Karen Carnes said:

    At 51 I have also lost patience with all she said, just could not say it so eloquently! Thanks for putting my thoughts into words. I need to remind myself I am not alone in how I now feel!

  70. Reblogged this on hub of musings and commented:
    Very well said! 😉

  71. Amen!

  72. I pretty much said the same thing in a post last night. Not quite as eloquently but I completely agree.

  73. Nancy Jones said:

    So well written, such a lovely declaration. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  74. janice said:

    I feel the same!

  75. Julie Bates said:

    We should all grow to this place in life sooner than later. If everyone lived with this belief system there would be no war, no hatred and no fear of difference.

  76. janice said:

    I think we could be friends

  77. Meryl Streep spends a lot of time alone.

  78. Well said, Ms Streep!

  79. A Reader said:


  80. So, all assholes really! Good job!

  81. […] visit Ioadicaeu's Blog […]

  82. Right on sister

  83. An ode to aging: More and more matters less and less, but what matters matters more and more.

  84. laura southwick said:

    I love her! I hope one day I can say all of that,and mean it!!! I’m almost there but I have a tendency to fall into bad habits and surround myself with the wrong people. I feel I don’t deserve better. Ya I know I’m a good person but I’m hard on myself at times. Thank You Meryl Streep

  85. Reblogged this on Life measured in goldfish, scripture, iMessage, wine boxes and pinterest recipes and commented:
    well this is me in a nutshell. at 31.

  86. Reblogged this on Daddy Knows Best and commented:

  87. She is my forever idol

  88. Cho mo lung ma said:

    Reblogged this on ChironLightMuse and commented:
    Perfect, I adore her !!!

  89. This explains it so well! Thanks for making it public!

  90. Preach Meryl!!! I am a fan and I agree!!!!

  91. I am in complete agreement. I have found those same tendencies in myself the older I get. Truly, life is too short to stay in unpleasant situations, or around unpleasant people. I would add that I have much less tolerance for ignorance and, oddly enough, for poor grammar. I suppose that might put me in the “academic arrogance” category, although I try not to say anything or correct people (unless it is my 8 year old son. You’d better believe I correct him immediately if he tells me a friend is going to “borrow something” to him!).

  92. LoveRae said:

    Reblogged this on LoveRaee and commented:

  93. Nancy Fielder said:

    Very well said Meryl. I totally agree with everything you said.

  94. Reblogged this on Butlers I Have Known and commented:
    A to the Men, Meryl.

  95. Kim Owens said:

    Dear friend, you are such a beautiful and talented woman. I am so with you on this whole patience thing. I’ve tried so hard all of my life to be liked, to please others and to try to have everyone’s approval. I am tired of people who judge me and take advantage of me because of my kindness and strong work ethics. I do find great joy in giving and helping others but I am tired of putting myself last. I despise contention as well – it eats away at me. I just wish everyone would get along, quit criticizing each other and do what is right. I’m sick of being on depression and anxiety medications because of the way
    people make me feel. I’m not perfect,
    I don’t think I’m gorgeous but also
    don’t think I’m ugly, I don’t really
    have 2 pennies to rub together but
    I am a good person with a heart of
    gold. I guess I just keep giving to
    the wrong people. The funny thing
    is, the people who are judging
    us have their own issues & imperfections. So who are they to judge? Lastly, I have ZERO TOLERANCE for ANIMAL ABUSE, CRUELTY & NEGLECT. These are sweet, innocent victims/companions who seem to pay the price or suffer because of peoples cold hearts with zero compassion, people who don’t know love, and selfish and sick people who have nothing better to do than harm innocent, defenseless little sweethearts. It sickens me. That is the #1 topic I will not tolerate – along with murderers/abductors who take innocent children/people of all ages and rape, torture, traumatize & scar them for life if they are lucky enough to live through it! I experienced that at 12 years old as a friend of mine was taken, presumed murdered but her body was never found. I live with these nightmares still to this day at age 44. He (the man who did it) is still alive and free! He served 9 of 18 years. Just 6 months after he got out, he was stopped by police for a tail light being out and what do they find in the trunk? A murder/rape kit. He’s the primary suspect for a few murder cases in Charlottesville, Va, several I the Richmond, Va area and a few in surrounding counties. Its just wrong… I truly have a good heart but when it comes to someone hurting animals or people, I think sometimes if someone were to perform the same act on that cold hearted person as they acted on the innocent – I bet most of them would never do it again! Thanks for sharing with us and for allowing me to vent with you. May you be blessed with all that you stand in need of, deserve and desire along with great health and safety. Thanks again!
    Sincerely, Kim Owens

  96. Reblogged this on Sang Phleg Mel Cholic and commented:
    Penny for one’s thoughts to lifehack.

  97. Dr. Rajni Duggal said:

    Superb…really like it

  98. Sarah said:

    I love Meryl Streep. An iconic beauty inside and out.

    It is our stubborn attachment to our ideologies which creates the anguish which is caused by separation from relentlessly and all too often violently, clinging to ideologies. It is a circle of insanity.

    May we all join together to fulfill our dreams which are beneficial to all.

  99. Hugh Jarse said:

    In other words, you’re an old lady.

  100. Reblogged this on Life in Transition and commented:
    Diminishing patience.

  101. Jennifer Spencer said:


  102. Sounds to me like fairly normal people would have to walk around this monstrous minefield if ever one were meet Mrs Streep. What really is left? Her rigorous guidelines would force you to adjust yourself to meet her standards, frankly she can keep it. The internet always finds a way of glorifying arrogance.

  103. Elizabeth said:

    Estoy de acuerdo , y respeto a esta Señora!!!! Love this and respect this amazing Lady.

  104. Hettie said:

    Ditto lol

  105. Hettie said:


  106. Why did it take so long to arrive here; why did you need to adjust to all these in the first place? There are people who live with a liberated feeling of not having to be at peace with anyone but themselves first. Once you are truly at peace with your inner self nothing else can affect you.

  107. I absolutely agree with these words!
    Dont try to see Things in persons which not exist – sometimes we think anyone is good but thats not true. We can teach people to be good but just of u start feeling what good meens u can be good

  108. […] I don't give a rat's ass.jpg I no longer have patience | Ioadicaeu's Blog Moon_Gazer wrote: yup hv close at 730pm XD Then go weekends or something, if not try the RV […]

  109. Veronika Ambasova said:

    I like these words… It’s true !

  110. Damaris said:

    Wow! My sentiments!

  111. Esther said:

    Is she Vegetarian?

    • Wish I had read this before ..it would have changed my perception of life and the people around me..thugs and goody ones, scoundrels and all those with whom why one should have messed up? For no reason ,,on the other hand loosing peace and precious time…Meryl’s words have so much truth and implicit power She may be older but age has not dented her spirit….long live Meryl

  112. David Paul Geib said:

    Outstanding I totally agree!!

  113. Reblogged this on Alixandra Kupcik and commented:
    One word – Meryl.

  114. Reblogged this on Loppuunpalaneen käryä and commented:
    Tässäpä on hyvän olon evään niin terävästi kiteytettynä, ettei sen enempää kannata lisätä. Aamen.

  115. well, say bye bye to your 99% hollywood relations 🙂

  116. Neerja S said:

    This truly reflects the fine person Meryl Streep has evolved into. Circumstances & time-sometimes assist a person to hurl all the masks & look at life with reality checks. She has certainly set rules for herself & others & is living by it. I dont see any traces of ambiguity or hypocrisy & is projecting herself in the light she shines in. Perhaps, the reason why she glows.

  117. Mayuresh Sant said:

    Spot On…

  118. Thank goodness someone finally said this.

  119. Chrissy said:


  120. Pamela said:

    My style and my aim too. Haha : D

  121. Sheila (A, B & Me) said:

    Reblogged this on AB and Me and commented:
    My thoughts exactly.
    Although I still get affected by some people/instances I try to remember that they don’t really contribute to my happiness so there’s no point in having them in my life, thoughts and heart.
    As Queen Elsa would say … Let it go. Let it go.

  122. Tenpa Nyima. said:

    Why So many I I I in this paragraph. I?????? hey hey.

  123. […] Credit: I got the quote and photo from this blog.  […]

  124. Cheryl O'Brien said:

    Me too!!!!

  125. Robert Gomez said:

    Bitch, you are not describing patience; you like Wanda Sykes, don’t give a f….

  126. Couldn’t agree more la suprema

  127. Reblogged this on migacandice and commented:
    intolerance for negative vibes 🙂

  128. So well said!

  129. rob ricards said:

    you’d have to be pretty on-the-ball to recognise all those negatives before they’ve affected you in some way

  130. Those who behave in many of the ways described here, probably were deprived of experiences of compassion, patience love and support. If we have been fortunate enough to know and trust that these qualities can be comforts for challenging feelings such as loneliness, fear and sadness, we can gift ourself and others by sharing them with everyone. I also find it best to see the world from a perspective of the strengths and unique gifts we all have. I am often humbled by the light that can grow and shine brighter when love and patience for everyone is held precious.

  131. May I have your source for this quote? When and where did Meryl Streep make this beautiful statement? Thanks!

  132. nice comment

  133. Emily Indigo said:

    I don’t understand the sentence, “I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities” Love Meryl Streep.

  134. Amen! Meryl Streep, It sounds Iike you and I are in the same place in life right now. Isn’t it beautiful getting older because you know what you are about and what you will/won’t stand for. I’m loving your article! It will become my new refrigerator pin-up!

  135. gudrun vilhjalmsdottir said:

    Good luck!

  136. Ruchikaa said:

    I Agree.
    I am sailing in d same boat .
    Give a Dam who give a Dam.
    Live life to d Fullest…

  137. Pamela Misiura said:

    Totally agree! AMEN!!!

  138. Reblogged this on The little Red Notebook and commented:
    I love Meryl Streep, and I really feel like intolerance and impatience towards things which are neither helpful or pleasurable are to be discarded, and discarded fast. Here, she says it all in the most beautiful way.


    What do you think? Have you decided not to tolerate anything recently? Has it helped make your life better?

  139. I love what you said,I don’t like negatives that ruin my thoughts.

  140. Sunita Prabhu said:

    Agree totally.. Am running 50 and have reached a point in my life where quality is more important than quantity !! Cheers

  141. Thank you, i really needed to hear this today.


  143. Maybe the title would seem more positive if it was “The limit of my patience” or maybe “Those that deserve my patience” or maybe “Patience in reflection of others” just IMHO

  144. danaji said:

    love this. thanks.

  145. Karin Goodman said:

    Amen to that.

  146. Catherine said:

    I agree so much…

  147. Jacques said:

    What’s not to love about this Lady…she’s said it all.Simple very wise words

  148. This is the right attitude. I wish it was easy for people to let go. If a person has this approach in life, I am sure that person will be the happiest person ever.

  149. Thank you.

  150. Tommy Clay Richardson said:

    Meryl, you are such a woman. I love ya baby.

  151. She enjoyed most of the above in the 70s and 80s. I agree with her on the Friendship front. Other than that, with her enhanced plastic smile…an old grumpy bitch, latter day Bardot.

    BTW, I love animals on my plate.

  152. Trish O'Brien said:

    In my world . . . world, Ms Streep would be very lonely!

  153. This is exactly how I felt upon becoming a parent. Beautiful quote.

  154. Kerrilynn said:

    Reblogged this on Genetically Incorrect and commented:
    Wise words.

  155. Marcy Goldstein said:

    Good for her.

  156. I completely agree!!

  157. Sahara said:

    So beautifully said and so true

  158. Preeti Gupta said:

    Exactly same sentiments that I can relate to .Many more would definitely agree…. But how to reach to them.

  159. Bobby said:

    Can’t fault her sense of humor (read the last sentence) Otoh, if she sticks by the 99% of her words then it’s going to be a lonely life because she no longer has time for 99% of us

  160. Reblogged this on hvarski blog and commented:
    She said it insted of me. It is so true. In my late 30’s I have patient for people I love and I don’t want to deal with those who never tried to understand my position in difficult situation I went trough. It is nice to separate people in life but it is painfull in the begginig. Later on it’s a relief and I lost patience for those who I left behind. I just don’t care about them any more. That is why I have more time to spend with those I love and with my two cats of coirse 🙂
    have a nice day.

  161. Absolute perfection! At the age of seventy, I can relate.

  162. Marguerite said:

    Well said!

  163. Yvonne Kanai said:

    Wonderful. !!!! I totally agree with everything mentioned in this script.. Thank you for doing this for me.. Much Love God Bless. 🙂

  164. Joyce Ford said:

    I admire Meryl Streep, very much. However, I believe that the only way to get through life is to actively cultivate patience. Endless patience. The less patience you have, the harder life becomes. I think saying, “I have run out of patience,” or “I am too experienced to have patience,” is a cop-out. (I suspect that she never really had patience in the first place.)
    Patience isn’t something you are born with, and then lose when you reach a certain age. Your supply of patience is not finite. You do not “run out” of patience. You do not get to pick and choose what you are patient about and what you are not. In fact, the greatest purpose of patience is to protect us from the most enormous frustrations. Feeling impatience is a very uncomfortable experience, and it may tend to encourage rants, much like this one. But impatience is not imposed from the outside; rather, it comes from within. Patience has to be developed through practice. True patience is a lot like love. Patience is a virtue; and, virtue is it’s own reward.

  165. You’ve put my very thoughts into words. Thank you Merryl.

  166. graciano budoy said:

    Great!!! I feel the same..

  167. some might think that everyone deserves at the very least, patience

  168. I simply loooove it! There is a point of no return in everyone’s life….can relate to it

  169. Vaios said:


  170. Chris Boylan said:

    I no longer have patience for pampered celebrity rants.

  171. OMG she’s me

  172. Lillian said:

    She’s got that right!

  173. Meire Nascimento said:

    To clarify, this text is from a Portuguese author, José Micard Teixeira.

  174. Dulcee said:

    Jośe Micard Teixeira was the origins writer of this quote. NOT Meryl Street. Check your sources

  175. sashirekha said:

    Lovely…very well said:)

  176. Where have you been all my life? Brilliant.

  177. Edie Snyder said:


  178. Janet in Cambridge MA said:

    Thank you, Meryl Streep. You write my very thoughts.

  179. Very well said and I agree 100%. –TTBG

  180. This is exactly how I feel inside at my age. I’m 59 years old now and find myself thinking these things Meryl is talking about. It makes me feel better knowing there are others that feel the way I do. I work very hard for others, myself, and my country. I pay my taxes. At the end there isn’t enough for me to take care of me in the way I need health wise. But yet I serve. Tired of pleasing. I work 14 hrs at a work period. Rest 10. Then work 14. In the 14 I drive tractor trailer trucks delivering goods for people to enjoy. Yet they are rude on the roads and show disdain with little or no courtesy. They walk into the truck stops and trash the bathrooms. How rude is that. My patience is wearing out. I have not been able to take a vacation in many years. I sacrifice for my family and needy people that are hungry on the streets. Yet I go on.

  181. workitoutlifeservices said:

    I thought it was woman of a certain age that lost their patience for such thing. I must now be a woman of that certain age group because I couldnt have said I better myself. Honestly, I thought this loss of “patience” would have come much later. But I do appreciate the personal freedom that it brings forth. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  182. Soul sister. My ideal thoughts to people around me.

  183. #Update and #Correction: We were misinformed that Meryl Steep was originator of text (just words she lives by). The actual writer of text was written and published by the great Portuguese Author, José Micard Teixeira! This was no disrespect to Mr. Teixeira. We will make sure we’re on top of our post and verification in the future.Here’s José Micard Teixeira Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/1qlzGOO.

  184. José Micard Teixeira shared Obvious Magazine’s photo.
    about an hour ago
    E a saga continua…..
    O meu texto já é publicado em revistas americanas como sendo da actriz
    Vou pedir-vos que me ajudem a repor a verdade.
    Entrem nesta revista (o meu post é o primeiro) e esclareçam quem é o autor.
    Muitos podemos fazer a diferença !!!! Eu já lá escrevi !!
    Obrigado a todos !!!!!

  185. Jacky said:


  186. Hey this quote is wrong … José Micard Teixeira wrote this you should remove the photo of Meryl Streep and change the reference to Teixeira 🙂

  187. Oh,, baby! I am 67 and have come to these same conclusions. I just don’t put up with this shit any more and I don’t live by others’ rules. And….I don’t do anything I don’t have to do.

  188. This is wisdom and to “no longer have patience….” it is a place we arrive after many life struggles encompassing failures and successes… “hinds feet for climbing her mountain.” Ms. Streep has arrived at a place of peace where many strive to reach and sadly others have no clue this place exists.

  189. Deb Killeen said:

    Yes. Nicely said. This resonates with my heart. Thank you Ms. Meryl Streep

  190. Thank you to whoever posted this.
    Meryl has always had a way with words. This says it all for me too.

  191. I No Longer…was written by a Portuguese poet! Social Media spreading around as Meryl Streep’s quote…they’ve started correcting their statements to “these are words she lives by”

  192. Reblogged this on manishashrstha and commented:
    True that #merylStreep #Happiness
    Practicing this at present and it works!

  193. Maisie said:

    I totally agree! I think the same way!!

  194. Alyson W said:

    You are a lot more patient than I am…hear hear Ms. Streep, I think we are cut from the same cloth!!

  195. Thomas White said:

    Hardly more than simply a manifesto of egocentric personal intolerance.

  196. Guille S Llanes said:

    Totally subscribe to her way of thinking.Enough with false pretenses.

  197. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
    It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
    It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
    Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

  198. “I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me.

    “I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance.

    ” I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement.”

    I couldn’t agree more.

  199. Dr. Surinder Pradhan said:

    Appericiate, true to the inner conscious and like it very much.

  200. Donna Romanak said:

    I identify with this entry closely. The things that I no longer have patience for are time wasters. For me today, time is life and is too precious to waste.

  201. Ellin Blumenthal said:

    Thank you Meryl Streep for sharing your very wise feelings. I also appreciate your superb performances.

  202. Utterly pathetic. This is the world in which we live.

    “I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me”

    So just ignore anyone who is not like you.
    Get over yourself Ms. Streep!

  203. Virginia Cousins said:

    Totally agree! Too often we spend too much time trying to please when we should just present ourselves as who we really are. It is refreshing to read the thoughts of someone who is admired & respected. Thank you Meryl Streep!!!

  204. Steve said:

    Author: José Micard Teixeira

  205. Thank you Meryl:):)

  206. Well spoken, I will become her words!
    Thanks for sharing words of wisdom, I have always enjoyed your acting- just simply one if my favorite’s 😘

  207. Lix H. said:

    I feel so jaded all of a sudden that I can relate to this so much… at 24.

  208. Reblogged this on impriya and commented:
    Some words echo your thoughts perfectly.

  209. so what’s left?…. genuine love, beauty, trust, and honesty… I can live with that:)

  210. Teresa said:

    So why are you still in Hollywood ? Or show business ? Which if I may say ,embodies everything that you’re talking about.

  211. Terri Fox said:

    Well Said. I agree completely. I have found as I get older I feel the same way towards people.

  212. So true , thank you

  213. thefabulousflamingo said:

    Excellent! Beautifully said.

  214. Ellen frahm said:

    Apparently this quote is from Portuguese author Jose micard teixeira
    Streep happens to agree with him.

  215. It felt like I was reading my own journal entry, I so agree with M.S. It’s gotten to the point where having to swallow a teaspoon of the lies, intolerance and hatred spewed on Faux News make me feel like I’ve been force fed a gallon of toxic sludge, so I avoid it. Unless Jon Stewart shows a clip of Bill O’Rile-Up-The-Masses and then I have to witness B.O.’s ugly closed mindset. I give the maximum of my time to people with a growth mindset. People with a closed mindset are tedious, and mostly intolerable, but even they can change their thinking. That is the beauty of being human. I’m so happy to be alive on Earth at the same time as Meryl Streep. – Carrie Honigman

  216. Edna Smith said:

    I applaud you!

  217. justanotherother said:

    When and where did she say this?

  218. Diane Main Gordon said:

    Moving out?

  219. rusti said:

    Yes. What she said so eloquently. That’s exactly what I think. I have something to add… and that is that I have no longer need to add to something that is already complete just for the pleasure of hearing my own voice and trying to make people think I’m smart. I now longer care what they think. (That was fun).

  220. I think you are awesome woman , artist and what ever you express yourself is amazing. And also I love your movies

  221. Anthony B. Johnson said:

    I don’t have patience to read a verbose opinion on patience!

  222. That pretty much sums it all up for me! Now give me the strength to live by it.

  223. P QUADIR said:


  224. Tammy said:

    Amen sister!

  225. Ellen m said:

    This is not her quote, it’s a quote by José Micard Teixeira. Check your source.

  226. Aaron said:

    I believe she neglected to cite an intolerance for those who don’t like plants.

  227. Aaron said:

    I love it BTW

  228. Karen said:

    So true……… And I Love it …….

  229. In the end, it’s between you and your God. Not between you and “them”.

  230. Clara Hicks said:

    Well done!

  231. Reblogged this on Marissa's Picks and commented:
    Great Quote from the legendary Meryl Streep

  232. Amen!

  233. Patricia donbeck said:


  234. Reblogged this on Angela Zhao and commented:
    So well said. Spoken like a true Iron Lady.

  235. Reblogged this on Gold Britches and commented:
    She nailed it. It’s not about getting to be a certain age, or losing your marbles. That’s what you hear from people who can’t take that you are over it.

  236. The actual writer of text was written and published by the great Portuguese Author, José Micard Teixeira! Here’s José Micard Teixeira Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/1qlzGOO.

  237. Priyamvade said:

    Me too…I stopped loving people who don’t love me..or care for me..I’m tired of unconditional love..

  238. Salvador said:

    Right on! You said it so well! I backing this 100%. At our age we just can’t waste time anymore, because we don’t have that much in our hour glass. (A Hawaiian thank you): Mahalo Nui Loa

  239. That is not Meryl Streep, that is a loosely translated text of a quote from José Micard Teixeira

  240. Annette Roy said:

    Thank you for saying what I am feeling at my age. Been there done that, and I am over it.

  241. Moise said:

    Will you share a bullet with me?

  242. I absolutely adore this! The words might be those of Meryl Streep…but the sentiments are exactly mine!

  243. shelly said:

    I agree, wholeheartedly. A low bullshit tolerance comes with age.

  244. I applaud this. Or will applaud, as soon as I see it happen. Because I’ve been there: it’s easy to declare, incredibly difficult to adhere to in the real world. Best of luck to all who venture.

  245. My sentiments, EXACTLY!!! Well-said!!! (rodz)

  246. She is always best.

  247. roisin white said:

    Well said. We all agree. R

  248. Janis said:

    I so admire Meryl Streep! I find her to be one if the ONLY famous Actresses to be a very “normal ” and down to earth person! She is so very talented, successful, and famous…. Yet lives life as “normal” as possible and hasn’t let her success go to her head. I would love to have 30 minutes over coffee to talk with Meryl… Just to see for myself how real she is and to ask general questions. She is one of a kind in my book!!!!! Never change Meryl!!!

  249. ‪#‎Update‬ and ‪#‎Correction‬: We were misinformed that Meryl Streep was originator of text (just words she lives by). The actual writer of text was written and published by the great Portuguese Author, José Micard Teixeira! This was no disrespect to Mr. Teixeira. We will make sure we’re on top of our post and verification in the future.Here’s José Micard Teixeira Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/1qlzGOO.

    I NO LONGER… (THIS IS A POWERFUL READ! Tag/Share someone who needs to read this.)

    “I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me.

    I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.”

    – José Micard Teixeira (words Meryl Streep live by)


  250. amytrail said:

    Reblogged this on Amy Trail and commented:
    This is great wisdom from Meryl Streep.

  251. All good and fine except when it comes to family.

  252. Mattias Bakhuizen said:

    Dear mrs Streep,

    As you know, people around the world know about your work and outstanding performance as an actor (they dont make your kind anymore these days). So, because of your “famousiosity!?” your comment reached me in cold and rainy Sweden today.

    I must say that I agree to every word you wrote, and this I would not have said 20 years ago…

    Therefore I must end with a compliment: you are I my eyes the greatest of all actors on MY tv!

    Best regards: Mattias Bakhuizen

  253. love you Meryl

  254. Lesley said:

    Love it – I’m right there with you

  255. Iro Irineou said:

    This text was written and published by the famous Portuguese author José Micard Teixeira

  256. Rob Doughty said:

    Me, too, Meryl. Me, too.

  257. please change this to reflect the true author… this guy.. streep likes it but didn’t write it! 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/pages/José-Micard-Teixeira/112342588846759?sk=info

  258. Bonnie J. Speeg said:

    Meryl, I am on this with you. I’m 66 years young. I am smiling into faces that cannot even utter a sound out in public, so accustomed to the new silent screen….computers, and cannot go out into the world with more than that reality experience in their lives…as it’s all they know. I cannot tolerate the swing toward rigidity…toward no expansive thought; toward truly lacking caring of others. I am over it. Thank you so much, if you read this feedback, or the Blog person…Peace Out.

  259. Fatima said:

    nice one I like it. Do you know what, while I was reading it my sister comes through my mind. she is now almost like this. For me I am half half from long time. and I guess nice people I mean that very very very nice people who usually end up like this. That is what happened to my sister she is really that very nice person who is ready to lose her health for being nice with people and help them. And now she turn out like this. For me because I really that person who does not react with people until observing their behavior for a while, I still have some patience.
    I like that you clarify that is for certain things certain people who do not deserve patience.

    I like this one too, “I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals.” do you know in my society some girls act that they do not like animals especially cats to show they are female and cute. And I state these girls are monsters I notice these same girls usually say we hate children. The natural of human is to like nice things, to show mercy to souls. especially cats very nice creatures. and it does not make sense to scream and hate creature that whenever this animal see them, it run away from them.

    I like your article that much mcuh :).
    Good luck,

  260. clydefrog said:

    So basically youve decided to close yourself off to anyone who disagrees with you

  261. LOVE THIS! Especially as you get old, this becomes clearer ❤

  262. Michele Irwin said:


  263. I knew I’ve loved her for all these years for a reason! This woman is not only one of the most talented artists in her profession, but she is honest and a woman worthy of emulating. She just rocks! Her ideals and thoughts parallel with my own as I have also reached the age where the bs is being tossed from my life for truth and honesty, no matter how harsh that can be, for compassion, real love and a willingness to be a part of the solution instead of playing into being a part of the problem. Love you Ms. Streep

  264. Reblogged this on southernsphere04 and commented:
    I also refuse to let my life and energies be swallowed by black holes of negativity – or sidetracked by nasty people who destroy vitality and happiness at every turn. To some it might look like I don’t care, like I am being blase by turning away and ignoring those folks, or completely disregarding them, but I am preserving my own sanity and serenity by doing so.

  265. Yes! However, it was actually said by – José Micard Teixeira. He’s trying to get folks to correct this misquote. 🙂 Head to his facebook page to read more of his amazing work!

  266. adradajackie said:

    Reblogged this on Jackie' Strength and commented:
    Patience is a virtue.. But what if the answer is still a NO.

  267. Andrew said:

    Dear Mrs. Streep! I shear your frustration , but you know what ? you’re right we reach the age were we don’t give rat ass about many thighs. Hehehe ! I Love your acting, great actres you are.

  268. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jos%C3%A9-Micard-Teixeira/112342588846759 This is the author of the quote …. don’t misattribute. Your post has been going around the internet, misattributed. Jose Teixeira said it, and Meryl Streep quoted him. Pleas fix this.

  269. Satchel B. Greece said:

    AMEN! I am at that same spot…as difficult as it may be.

  270. Barbara said:

    Truer words have never been spoken!!!

  271. I like it much and agree with what she wrote. She made a smart choice and i believe people who thinks deep and possesses an open mind will understand her..

  272. Thanalaxmi Thanapalasingam said:

    Good read, inspiring. I should thank my niece for sending this to me. It has given me a good perspective of how to handle issues affecting our everyday lives.
    Thank you.

  273. Sarika said:

    ditto:) every word!

  274. AWESOME. Thanks. I adore this woman.

  275. maruti said:

    Life becomes her!

  276. Hello. Can you provide an original source for this? Thanks! Lisa

  277. ranjani said:

    I liked it. it is very true

  278. ranjani said:

    I liked it. how true it is

  279. Peggy Kneeskern said:

    This is why I admire Meryl Streep.

  280. Tania said:

    Omg. Truly amazing! In fact we should be real and not let others and things defined us . I lived all my life with no entitlement of others to myself of who I’m and always did what kicked in my heart every day. I’m sure I had some unpleasant moments but never mistakekes or regrets! Just a good examples of who I should be ! No matter how hard life has been or become ! I’m still very happy and grateful with all i had and done just because I never filtered one moment of my life and I was true to myself with even the risk of dead. .. And of course I have eliminated all the people that made me feel small for no reason just because they needed to feel above me . Life is not a farry tale . Life is real ! Let be pinched and pinch somebody with being real and yourself. Time is illusion but in those times we only make a good , positive progress to our minds and bodies so they can serve us well, now in the presence and tomorrow in the future ! Love and be loved ! Forgive to the ones that have done you wrong but decide if you want to be treated wrong. You only live once and live with a good attitude ! Give yourself big smiles everyday on the mirror and everywhere you walk around just because you deserve it and you know what you want for yourself !.and for the rest of your life just be “defensive driver “well that means the entire sea won’t sink the ship down till the ship lets the water in !and you know things and people alway will come your way to make you feel unlplesent and not yourself. But you are the one who truly lets it in in yourself.

  281. Victor said:

    Very poignant for the most part and extremely relevant to our current world for those are truly fed up with the stress of make believe. I identify with well over 90% of the entire enunciation of this write up. I may do without a compliment, at worst, who cares? I love animals but will only have a problem with another person if he/she is out-rightly cruel to them. I love this, it speaks tons to me and of me.

  282. Florida Awuku -Adu said:

    I love it

  283. […] I’ve been feeling a little off about my growing intolerance and my inability to stand around and give my time and attention to people and things that don’t deserve it. I’ve become super choosy about where I choose to invest myself, and some part of me wonders if I’m just turning into a cynical, unpleasant person. Just when I was beginning to consider not being the weirdo that I am, S (from The Baker in Disguise), sent me this. Apparently Meryl Streep feels like that a lot. So yes, I feel totally normal now of course haha. You’ve probably seen it already because right after I read it, I saw it pop up all over fb and twitter. If you haven’t, here it is. […]

  284. MIKE LANE said:

    Hmmm… who’s Meryl Streep?

  285. Reblogged this on littlemanythings and commented:
    Amazing and perfectly befitting thoughts.

  286. corinne said:

    I love your blog. Everything in it , no more no less . It specifically describes how i am in so much pain at this point of my life just because of loving these one person that i thought who can value me as much as i value him. I am so tired of waiting for the right moment . The agony is unbearable . The pain is slowly sinking me as a person, as a lady . Friends may tell me to give up the fight but even if for how many times i tried ! I hate myself for the fact that im at to this point where i am loving again someone more than i love myself ! 😥 which is so wrong ! So wrong !!! I am tired of all the dishonesty and betrayal ! How i wish , if my heart can only only for once listen what my brain tells me . STOP!!! BUT MY HEART KEEPS ON WHISPERING , theres still hope 😥 sometimes its that hope that make you expect ! Make you believe that everything will be alryt but in reality everything is messed up already !:(

  287. This is a silly lady. ‘Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals.’

  288. […] Since writing this post I came across this quote by Meryl Streep. It is so dead on that my post seems like an afterthought. Not so, but apparently […]

  289. Brilliant! Take a bow 🙂

  290. keneilweletsatsi said:

    Reblogged this on COSMIC BROWN CHILDREN and commented:
    Wise words on cutting the strings that keep us attached to people, things, attitudes and thoughts that take away from our souls. The time is now for us to feed and nurture our hearts and souls. Choose life. Choose health. CHOOSE YOU!

  291. Reblogged this on Not Jaded Yet and commented:
    Meryl’s a smart lady

  292. Baidzar Yekhpairian said:

    I fully agree with you, dear. Life Is too short to put up with imbeciles.

  293. […] This little gem from Meryl Streep has been making the rounds on social media; in case you’ve not seen it, in a quote posted on Ioadicaeu’s Blog, the multiple Oscar-winning actress muses about the inconsequential things in life for which she no longer has patience. Read it here. […]

  294. Hey this is really well written. I speacially realte to the line where you talk about not giving a compliment or a word of encouragement.

  295. This a wonderful text and thank you for sharing. Actually these are not the words of Mrs. Streep, The above text was written and published by the great Portuguese Author, José Micard Teixeira! Perhaps you would like to know and correct this misattribution.. 🙂
    Congratulations for you blog! 🙂

  296. Pranav Savardekar said:

    Well said!! Keep it up!! I hope I can be more like this in my life as well..

  297. Source? Link to the origin please

  298. Jimmy said:

    Being nice to someone is a reflection of yourself and how you want to be percieved. If that person is unhappy or is having a bad day maybe that reflection is all they needed to smile again. I disagree with this rant. Apathy is not the path towards happiness.

  299. Mina Sanghvi said:

    I could not have said it in any better words

  300. Very well said! I couldn’t agree more.

  301. Honoratte Muhanzi Kashale said:

    C est profond,interpellant et en quelque sorte une description de m

  302. Interesting, so does this mean that saturation of patience has something to do lack of time or lack of will to continue being patient towards cynism, criticism, etc.
    I think surely its matter of ideology we opt for ourselves.

  303. It takes a strong person to be able to stand up to the world and say I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS RUBBISH ANYMORE. My heart is with you 100 percent Meryl Streep.

  304. […] like a consumer. Think like a capitalist. Don’t have patience. Quit that broke-ass company and go work where you will be safe, loved and appreciated for the […]

  305. Sorry but …This is not a quote from Meryl Streep. It was written by José Micard Teixeira

  306. Barbara Lopez said:

    Earth to Meryl Streep: may we all have the grace to ascend to your lofty heights. Of course, nothing of what you’ve so thoughtfully written here will apply to the roles you take and the characters you play … because that’s not the Meryl Streep anyone would pay to see.

  307. MAGDALINI said:

    José Micard Teixeira AND NO MERIL STREEP…HALO!!!!

  308. Good for you, Meryl. I wish I could say it as well as you have. My patience is pretty much gone too.

  309. […] (Credit to the original source) […]

  310. Vikram said:

    Inspiring !

  311. […] Love Meryl  […]

  312. Brava! Once again, she nails it.

  313. Is there an actual interview with Meryl Streep or a blog post written by her that this quote is authentically taken from? All I can find are blogs and tumblrs recycling it.

  314. Rosemary said:

    Yep.. I’m there too!

  315. skinsavant said:

    Unfortunately the text was originally written and published by Portuguese writer Jose Micard Teixeira. They are words Meryl Streep live by! #MerylStreep #JoseMicardTeixeira #WordsToLiveBy

  316. Perfectly said! Thank you 🙂
    “You only live once” …

  317. rafatjaved said:

    I really liked the words it touched me nd I my self hve gone through so much ups nd downs of life tat i my self do not like to be wit such people who hurts again nd again nd one stroke wants to apologise when they feel like nd hush up the matter which were goin on for yrs nd yrs.

  318. rafatjaved said:

    I really like the article.

  319. Love it!!!

  320. Reblogged this on The transplant. and commented:

  321. I shared this with my Google circle and appreciate you posting Meryl Streep’s thoughts. Your blog is FANTASTIC. I’m so glad I saw it on Laurel Holloman’s blog page.

    I’ll keep checking back and I Followed you and will look forward to reading your posts and coming back again and again to read your excellent content.

    Many thanks,

  322. Bhisma nanda Vaidya. said:

    I like it thanks


  324. Naomi pannell said:

    Well im w ya on all that meryl, but watcha doin in mku monarch Hollywood then?
    The most evil manipulative lie in all of human history?

  325. Jan Hicks said:

    Megan, thanks for sending this! I’m SO sorry for your delays in getting home. I can’t imagine how frustrating it was for you. We LOVED having you here! Thank you so much for the delicious dinner you fixed for us. I am enjoying my pedicure and think of you every time I look at my toes–which is often.
    Luvya, Grandma Hicks

  326. If all you have is Love to give, they all you get will be Love..
    If everyone revolves around “I”s , then the world will be a very sad place to live in.
    You reap what you sow. I hope you heal from all who hurt you.

  327. And besides, if she wanted patients, she would have become a doctor! 🙂

  328. Lisbeth Odén The following quote — which are notably the words of great author José Micard Teixeira, and not Meryl Streep as previously noted (our apologies — are just words Ms. Streep tends to live by. But still spot on!

    I think it was very misleading to post this quote with a photo of Meryl Streep.

  329. Love this woman – always have and whilst I do not currently employ some of these positions, I believe in them all and intend to actively work on employing them as I concur with all that Merryl Streep has said. What an actress – What a human being!!

  330. Helen Magnusson said:

    I do agree with you….this seems so simple, But in reality Its difficult, But it helpt me to read this worlds from you, Who i always loved on film, The personality shows in acting i belive……. Thank’s Meryl. Love Helen

  331. Bravo Meryl Streep! Maybe the younger generations will learn this to be true early in life so that they don’t spend a life-time of acting and pretending to be something they’re not! 🙂

  332. I did admire you and I will be. I have had the same attitude as you since long but have not been ready to do so till now. I will.

  333. Leanne said:

    Sounds like a woman after my own heart!

  334. Jagjot said:

    This is so nicely written and depicts the state of my mind!!

  335. this quote is by José Micard Teixeira, Portuguese Author https://www.facebook.com/jose.m.teixeira.18

  336. I Love your honesty. I do agree with most of the same things. But, I always smile at everyone, regardless. I have no patience with stupid people. Lots more to have with my family and my Grandchildren…Because, They are AWESOME. ❤

  337. I Love your honesty, and I can understand everything you said. But, I still smile at others, regardless. I Love my family and my Grandchildren get all my patient.Y. Their AWESOME.

  338. […] this, as usual, brilliant statement by Meryl Streep and tell me you don’t […]

  339. Marie Padilla said:

    I’m a stepmother who learned late in my marriage I signed up for much more responsibilities and NO POWER! After six years of giving and giving and only receiving punch after punch, so much disrespect, (verbal) I am exhausted! And almost had a nervous break down until a friend told me about this AMAZING quote. I took a photo of Meryl and her quote and will post a 8×10 in MY home for all to see. I am tired of having my kindness mistaken for weakness ! This is such an inspiration to me. Thank you Meryl…your my new best friend !

  340. Reblogged this on Read Something Everyday and commented:
    The older you get, the wiser you are.

  341. I like Meryl Streep, but these comments sound much like a self serving person and me first. Ever heard love thy neighbor as ye love thy self.

  342. […] Streep, I No Longer Have Patience. Sing it […]

  343. hence I stopped a toxic supposedly “friendship” months ago

  344. Hi Ioadiceau, it seems your post has gone viral. Please see our post about this and the quote’s real author on seniorplanet.org http://seniorplanet.org/how-the-internet-put-a-powerful-quote-in-meryl-streeps-mouth/

  345. maria said:

    I could not of said it any better

  346. Jenny Mao said:

    This article struck a major chord with me. I feel completely the same way. I never was able to express it in words myself but reading Meryl Streep’s exerp really hit home in how I have come to no longer tolerate certain behaviors of individuals. Thank you Meryl Streep for your words of truth and reason. Stay strong!

  347. Well said!

  348. Reblogged this on vongocha91 and commented:
    It’s what I want to say to you guys 🙂
    Rất thích thích mạnh 🙂 Chính thức trở thành fan của Meryl Streep luôn ợ 😀 hihi

  349. Reblogged this on taetoro and commented:
    Really like what she said

  350. […] Sept 2014 *update* *This* is making the rounds on the intertubes which only makes me confident in my choice months ago to […]

  351. Dianne said:

    My ideas as well; love this.

  352. Sarahjane said:

    Put very well, life is too short :-))

  353. This woman deserves an Oscar every year… She is simply the best..

  354. CarolynHallYoung said:


  355. Erin Gavin said:

    Well said!

  356. […] Mit Freude entdeckt bei: Ioadicaeu’s Blog (Bild + Text) – vielen Dank fürs Finden ღ English Version >>> […]

  357. Well, at my age, if I couldn’t say Bravo! to every one of those things~ I haven’t learned a a thing here…Thank you Meryl for saying it OUTLOUD!

  358. Keith Kauffman said:

    I’ve loved you ALL MY LIFE!!!
    You are my favorite!!!

  359. Reblogged this on The words I never say. and commented:

  360. Very bitchy attitude. I have no time for any more bitches in my life.

  361. Ingunn said:


  362. […] To słowa José Micard Teixeira – portugalskiego lajf coacha, który nagle został not-meryl-streep internetów. A wszystko przez wpis rumuńskiej blogerki, która zamieściła ten cytat na swoim blogu. […]

  363. […] Sõpruses ei meeldi mulle lojaalsuse puudumine ja reetmine. Ma ei saa läbi nendega, kes ei tea, kuidas teha komplimente või innustada. Liialdused tüütavad mind ja samuti ei suuda ma taluda inimesi, kellele ei meeldi loomad. Ja kõige krooniks – ma ei talu neid inimesi, kes ei vääri minu kannatlikkust.” /-Meryl Streep […]

  364. I love Meryl Streep.

  365. There is nothing left to say. Amen

  366. frederic ananian said:

    it describe my entire life

  367. “I now try to have patience for everything, not because I’m arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I want to spend more time seeing, that what displeases me or hurts me is not real. I have patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I choose to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me. I spend as much time as it takes to show those who lie or want to manipulate, that it is no longer necessary to do so. I now forsake pretence, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I am tolerant of those who display selective erudition or academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons but use them to teach myself to be patient and tolerant. I believe in a world of oneness and that’s why I no longer avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I display loyalty and forsake betrayal. I try to get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement, by complimenting and encouraging them on any of their positive actions. Exaggerations leave me unaffected and I try to educate those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have patience for anyone who appears not to deserve my patience.”

  368. Makes all the sense on the world to me!

  369. Absolutely marvelous.

  370. Argentina said:

    Sorry, This beautiful quote it’s not from Maryl Streep.

  371. Marco R said:

    Amen to Meryl words ! I read them everyday

  372. Beautifully stated..

  373. What a revelation! “I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience”. Wow – I always thought that patience is a product of compassion and love, not something being earned.

  374. Ann-Rita Hol said:

    I couldn’t agree more ! I could have said it myself. Thank you, mrs Streep

  375. This quote is from José Micard Teixeira, not Meryl Streep

  376. Are these actual words from Meryl Streep? If that´s the case; where did you read them? Meryl Streep is my favourite actress.

    • This isn’t her quote. She said they were words she lives by. Originally written by José Micard Teixeira.

  377. javed driver said:

    very nice comment I really impress your think good so good

  378. Reblogged this on Laura Gómez-Mera and commented:
    I could add a few things…

  379. Alexis said:

    Great quote, but I must be technical and note that Meryl Streep didn’t say it. There are articles written about this quote being falsely attributed to her. It was a Portuguese writer, José Micard Teixeira, who gave that quote. Regardless, these are wise words to live by — even though they’re not coming from a well-loved (and well-financed) movie star.

  380. Bad Pianos said:

    Sounds like Meryl’s suffering from a case of a “rigid and inflexible personality”.

  381. Vernon Gibbs said:

    Well said. I’m adopting the same approach as I enter into 2015

  382. Reblogged this on togusstage.

  383. First off, this quote is written by a man, a much younger men, named José Micard Teixeira and associating it with a stupid Hollywood movie star by directly linking it to her or posting her picture above it is giving credit where credit isn’t due! Equally successful you could have posted a photo of a grizzly bear next to this quote. Internet is a very bad place but a wonderful one for those who lack their own personal essence and the only way to make themselves look smart is reflecting someone else’s enlightenment.
    I would probably agree on some level with the original author who said that despite the slim chance of applying that kind of attitude in today’s world, which makes the statement, for me, have no practical value but rather something one could aspire to and long for. I total chimera just like trying to live by the words in “Imagine”. Doing so will make you nothing short of unemployed and will turn you into an exile among other things. I guess could forgive the author, he meant well. What I call highest level of “douchebaggery” though is to listen to a flaky, rich, arrogant and shallow human being from the la-la land who’s totally detached from reality, who just happens to be able to buy the things she wants without having to earn them or wait for them and whose disgusting propaganda of “not being arrogant but spiritually elevated” ’cause time is precious to be wasted, this woman, and any other person for that matter, who’s trying to sell this kind of BS to the brain dead and corn fed makes me puke! Twice! Not to mention the fact that those Hollywood douche bags have no intellectual capacity to arrive to such deepness of life if their lives depended on it and all they say or write is done by an army of publicists and editors whose primary role is to make them look smart and deep by infernally using the Internet’s loopholes and people’s ignorance to attach themselves to a meaningful content. Few people can afford to live like that, the rest will just have to suck it up and live with reality.

  384. sapna Rao said:

    sensible thinking to make a life to live better

  385. Dan Marc said:

    Here’s a person who has had every advantage in life and has completely missed the point and purpose of life. She is a prideful, vain, selfish, supremely arrogant and insecure placebo. She is all about “I” and “me”. Ultimately, she makes no real contribution to the world and is, especially for those narcissists like her, a crushing bore. Likely, she has no real friends except her ‘animals’.

  386. Reblogged this on Integrative Concepts and commented:
    Life is precious. Make every moment count. Meryl Streep’s quote is a wonderful example.

  387. Demetria Porter said:

    I swear this the page/episode that I’m on right now in my life…thank you for the food for thought and motivation

  388. […] Taken from ioadicaeu.wordpress.com “I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me. I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.” […]

  389. Ask yourself who really cares what you have decided for yourself ..

    And I honestly DO not understand how people in general can allowed themselves to live like that.. With all that poisons their life and With all what make them feel disgusted .. I don’t understand why they allow themselves to be morally raped ..
    Yes, she has realised all this, But it so late (!) When a large part of her life is behind. How so? !!!
    Although … Better late than never.

  390. […] Nguồn: Tumblr Giaydo Link bài viết: ioadicaeu.wordpress.com […]

  391. Nyameka said:

    Thank you for such a word of wisdom,you have changed my way of thinking and gave a me reason to live and regain my confidence because we turn to please other people thank you once again.

  392. […] Nguồn: https://ioadicaeu.wordpress.com/2014/07/31/i-no-longer-have-patience/ […]

  393. Evangeline said:

    exactly. life is beautiful…

  394. Very well said…

  395. Nelson Tremblay said:

    Refreshing … I also apply those very thoughts ..do the best of my abilities. … sadly it took me years for the acknowledgement. … but hey… never too late …

  396. I read this blog every week, it encourages me. People have been taking advantages of me

  397. I feel sorry for her – to be so rich as to develop such a selfish attitude towards anyone who doesn’t act the way she thinks they should… Pity. She is missing out on the real riches in life – to have compassion for others and to try to help them by understanding rather than to be understood…I see it all too often in the world of wealth. People develop a selfish attitude and with power they pontificate how they have risen above the rest of us, when in reality they have sunk deeper into themselves and their own self aggrandizing desires. No one dares to speak against them for fear of whatever. I can only pray for her. She is missing out on what life is all about and the way we have been crafted to live it together…

  398. elise said:

    Wow.!!!#Beautifully said. At age 49 I finally realized this poem is what I’ve always needed to find my peace. I’m there now.my mantra is WHO CARES.!###😁 Really!

  399. Do not worry from any thing .we love you very much.we are your fans

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